Brighton, CO —District Attorney Brian Mason, the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority, and the CATPA Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force are announcing the results of a massive investigation that led to the indictment of 13 individuals on a total of 121 counts related to alleged motor vehicle thefts and burglaries that occurred at Denver International Airport, in Adams County, and throughout the Denver Metro area.
The 121 count indictment includes varying charges such as COCCA, Burglary, Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft, and Theft. The individuals charged as a result of the indictment were allegedly part of a prolific group that the CATPA Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force followed for more than a year. Special recognition is owed to the Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center (ATICC) and the Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE), both of the Colorado State Patrol, for their efforts throughout this investigation.
From February 2022 to March 2023, the individuals allegedly stole vehicles from various locations, including DIA, and used some of those vehicles to smash through the fronts of businesses. They would then allegedly place straps around the ATM's inside and pull the machines from the buildings. Ford F-150 Raptors were their preferred vehicles, and they targeted businesses that contained ATM's. Jeep Grand Cherokees, Dodge Challengers, and Dodge Chargers were also allegedly stolen and used during this operation. The defendants allegedly utilized sophisticated tools to reprogram key fobs so they could steal the vehicles. They would also allegedly disable the vehicle's GPS tracking system to avoid apprehension. These alleged offenses occurred in multiple jurisdictions including Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Boulder, Denver, Jefferson County, and Logan County. In total 59 vehicles were stolen, and there were 31 attempted or completed burglaries.
Pictures of the 13 individuals charged as a result of the indictment are below. They are in order from left to right.
- Marc Morales Cisneros: At Large
- Hector Escalera Hernandez: In Custody in Mexico
- David Nava Delgado: In Custody
- Carlos Nava Delgado: In Custody
- Jorge Cadena Lujan: In Custody
- Stephanie Reza Ramos: In Custsody
- Rene Ruiz Ochoa: In Custody
- Alejandro Silva-Vasquez: At Large in Mexico
- Cesar Poblano Hernandez: In Custody
- Brian Valladares: In Custody
- Rodrigo Perez-Gonzalez: In Custody
- Cruz Cordova: At Large
- Jose Merino Ramos: At large


"Thieves continue to steal cars at alarming rates in Colorado, but particularly at Denver International Airport and the lots that surround it. This group allegedly targeted our airport and used stolen vehicles to terrorize businesses in my jurisdiction and beyond. I'm thankful for the hours and hours that C-MATT and other law enforcement entities put into this investigation alongside my prosecutors and investigators to bring this large-scale indictment to fruition. I'm certain that this indictment will send a message to all who target vulnerable travelers at DIA. This behavior will not be tolerated, and we will pursue justice with all the law enforcement and prosecutorial power we have to deter it."
--District Attorney Brian Mason
"The Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force (C-MATT) would like to express its appreciation for all of those who took part in or contributed to the investigation that allowed us to make an impact on the auto theft problem in Colorado. These indictments were made possible from our partners at the Colorado Independent Auto Dealers Association, whose initial report started the investigation, all of the law enforcement agencies who contributed their resources, and from the Adams County District Attorney’s Office who presented the case to the Grand Jury. When we work together for a common mission, we can make a difference."
--Commander John Pickard, CATPA-Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force
""The Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA) would like to laud the collaborative efforts that achieved this successful Grand Jury indictment.The investigation led by CATPA grantee C-MATT was assisted by many of the other CATPA programs, including the Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center (ATICC), the Colorado State Patrol, and Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE) Statewide task force. These groups were expertly guided by direct involvement from the 17th Judicial District Investigators and Prosecutors. Through mobilizing efforts, these agencies put a stop to this destructive crime spree and have built a successful, combined approach to public safety."
--Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority
The filing of a criminal charge is merely a formal accusation that an individual(s) committed a crime(s) under Colorado laws. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. See Colo RPC 3.6.
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